President’s Message 9/29/2023

Greetings Union Members!

Today, September 29 we completed our scheduled round of Federal Mediation. After many hours of hard work, both CNMEU and the Administration have come closer to an agreement. The details are very much in flux and the situation is very sensitive, in that we do not want to prejudice the outcome by predicting anything specific. Sound vague?

Yes. I can safely and fairly state that our key issues are all still on the table. These are: 6% raise that was already received by Staff and ISU. A Workload Assessment Committee to address workload concerns for both Faculty groups. Compensation avenues for what the Union recognizes as Uncompensated Labor. A scheduling template for PT Faculty.

These are the concerns we brought, with your input, to the Bargaining table. We have had compromises and will continue to make compromises along the way. But please understand, Your Solidarity and Support have made it so we have gotten this far. I feel, and the Bargaining Team feels that the past week has given us tremendous progress in Negotiations and we are grateful for your Support.

We will be working on the details of the proposal in the next two weeks. When we have concrete ideas to present to you, we will do so.

In Solidarity,
