Executive Council Members

CNM Union Montage

“[Our mission] is to provide the employees of Central New Mexico Community College (CNM) with strong and supportive union representation. Union officers and members strive to maintain an open and honest relationship with all parties at CNM who impact our terms and conditions of employment. We work together for professional standards, professional compensation, and mutual respect.” Mission Statement by Donna Swanson, Founding Member and first CNMEU President.

Mailing Address

PO Box 4366
Albuquerque, NM 87196-4366

Executive Council

President – (I) Stephen Andrews – cnmeupres@gmail.com

Executive VP – (I) Ken Bernier – cnmeuexecvp@gmail.com

VP Full-Time Faculty – (I) John Diggelman – cnmeuvpft@gmail.com

VP Part-Time Faculty – (I) Sue Taylor – cnmeuvppt@gmail.com

VP ISU – Currently vacant

Treasurer – (I) JoLynne Chavez Vigil – cnmeutreasurer@gmail.com

Secretary – Gail Joralemon – cnmeusecretary@gmail.com

Standing Committee Chairs

Membership – Ken Bernier – cnmeucommunications@gmail.com

Negotiations – Stephen Andrews – cnmeupresident@gmail.com

Grievances – Jen Cady – cnmeugrievances@gmail.com

Finance and Budget – JoLynne Chavez-Vigil – cnmeutreasurer@gmail.com

Communications Officer – Ken Bernier – cnmeucommunications@gmail.com

Special Committee Chairs

Elections & Education – vacant at this time

If you are interested in volunteering for any of the vacant positions please email cnmeupres@gmail.com